Focusing primarily on fashion, fashion history and context, the overall course content emphasises the appreciation of context and meaning in the specific field of Fashion design, whilst providing key concepts of fashion evolution and design adaptation. Including theoretical and practical design aspects, the emphasis is placed on research and critical thinking, introducing students to the body of knowledge that supports achievement within a higher education learning environment. Learners are encouraged to record and analyse the key drivers which influence fashion globally, including ecological, environmental, ethical, technological and aesthetic factors.
Students learn about historical and contemporary artists and designers and prepare presentations illustrating how this work inspires and influences current fashion, lifestyle and culture. They are expected to explore and analyse directional influences and challenge methods in fashion forecasting and garment construction. Develop a creative uniqueness by exploring the design process through specific projects.
Establishing individuality in generating concepts is fundamental to developing design ideas and creating a personal visual language to successfully achieving required outcomes in the course. Towards this, learners are encouraged to take the initiative through personal expression and enquiry and utilise their perception and progress to build on creative potential and personal style.
4 years
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