Admission Information

All India Entrance Examination for Design (AIEED)


Choosing your design programme is a big decision that will affect your future in a big way. It's important that you make the right decision and ask the right questions when you get in touch with your future college.

Is it a complete degree? Is it approved by the University Grants Commission of India? How many graduates are employed, and what kind of companies hired them? Can I go abroad? ETC..

Some answers. If you're looking to start off an amazing design career, ARCH is your place. With an extensive range of courses, the best education through industry links, a diverse faculty, unique resources, both, modern and traditional, and pathways for international exposure, learning design at ARCH is guaranteed to help you find your own place in the world of design.

Here's how to start a life of design at ARCH. We’ll make sure you are nurtured with the very best that gives YOU the VERY BEST chance to SUCCEED.


ARCH College of Design & Business conducts AIEED (All India Entrance Examination for Design) for Undergraduate & Postgraduate courses in Design. AIEED was launched & conducted by ARCH College in Year 2010

In 2011, AIEED was converted to an Online Exam & was made easily accessible for interested students to take from anywhere in the world. It has interactive components at its core and a random selection of questions from specially formulated question banks at its periphery. This interesting online exam is designed to facilitate students, and help assess abilities supporting aspirations for a career in Design.

Intent of Screening for Design Studies (SDS):

This ‘Screening for Design Studies’ and its parts and stages will in actuality enable you to give us A COMPLETE INTRODUCTION TO YOURSELF, and in the process, help us discover the real you - We want to know WHO YOU ARE as against ‘How good your skills are ….’

We are VERY INTERESTED in HOW you THINK. In your Attitude and Approach towards the world that surrounds you. Not so much in your knowledge, but more in your Openness to Learn; your Perseverance, Focus and Toughness to take on challenges in the process of Creative Problem Solving. AND your ability to SURVIVE sanely in a creative environment!

We want potentially introspective and thinking aspirants with the right spirit and attitude to take up Design as a responsible profession.

The Complete Process of Screening for Design Studies is aimed at examining

1. ‘ATTITUDE’ as against the existing, overly measured, ‘APTITUDE’. It will evaluate and assess: -

Psychological Consonance and Endowments for Design e.g. Empathy, creativity, toughness, Openness, Perseverance & Focus, Sense of Humour/ appreciation of humour/ connections etc

2. COMPREHENSION & COMMUNICATION SKILL – in the broadest all-encompassing sense – Visual, Verbal, Conceptual, Interpersonal, Transactional

Getting started at ARCH

Admission Information

Applying to ARCH is a 1-2-3-4 steps experience.
Step 1. Simply fill the request form and we will contact you.
Step 2. Fill the online application form, choose your preferable Screening date
Step 3. Complete your AIEED Screening Process
Once you complete your process, Admission results will be declared
Step 4. On successfully passing the Screening for Design Studies, the completion of formalities is required to ensure the booking of a seat, if available, on the preferred Design course.

Experience ARCH for yourself

In these new times, we have started with VIRTUAL Tours and Counselling Sessions to give you the opportunity to get a sense of what College life is like and to pick up a wide range of useful information. In this session we will cover details about the subject of your choice, introduce the College and take you on a virtual walk through the campus. You can also book an Appointment to interact with the Subject Coordinator for One to One Counselling & interact with students and alumni.

Book an Appointment

Important Dates:

Application Forms Available:  
Online Exam Date: Till 15th April 2025
Batch Starts: May 2025


Your registered email address will be notified of the next steps once you complete and submit your AIEED Application Form.

Stage I: Portfolio of Abilities (PoA) & Statement of Purpose (SoP) will be required, through which you will be able to explain why you are considering studying Design.

Stage II: Interaction

Stage III: Result Declaration

The stages and all its parts are mandatory and are assessed and marked by our admissions panel.


Making education a little more accessible, the welfare initiatives at ARCH seeks to shape the future of design aspirants in the right direction. We want them to dream, believe and make happen, come what may. Therefore, to complement academic brilliance and foster the excellence of emerging designers, we are providing scholarships in the following manner:

The scholarship will be given to students on the basis of the following criteria: (only one would be applicable)

  • Cumulative Result of AIEED Exam,
  • Performance in past qualification,
  • Student achievement at State, National & International Level in Sports or any extracurricular activities,
  • Community Projects Undertaken,
  • Leadership Skills,
  • Scholarship on your Principal's Recommendation,
  • Income of the family,
  • Children of Defense Personnel, Teachers, Artisans, Single Mothers, Non- Binary and Specially abled

Documents supporting your eligibility for the scholarship must be uploaded when requested in the admissions process. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and will be valid for a set period of time. After all scholarships are claimed, students will not be considered for additional scholarships, even if they meet all requirements.