Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur hosted the PINK CITY International Art, Heritage, and Culture Festival from 8-10 April’22. ARCH’s Founder & Director Ms Archana Surana spoke on “Art Design, its emerging trends & the global market” at the event. She was joined by Prof.(Dr)Shailendra K.Singh Kushwaha, Former Dean- Faculty of Fine Arts the M.S. University of Baroda; Vijay Sharma - CEO - Kalaneri Art Gallery & Academy of Fine Arts and Ms Leena Joshi Artworks to discuss how design influences economies in a significant way.
Prof. Bhargav Mistry, Dean- Design Culture was also invited for panel discussions on “Role of Classical forms in contemporary context ” & “Rajasthan's Architectural heritage in modern context”. With other Panelists he shared his insights and experience on the classical & modern Architectural Designs & concluded with vote of thanks.