A very intriguing 2-day Robotics Workshop was conducted for the foundation design department students by Mr Priyanshu Jain, Sr. product engineer and developer, Neuro Equilibrium Robotics workshop. In this hands-on workshop on Robotics students learnt about the Basic science of electronic circuits, mechanical design, programming and how to make a basic tracking robot. On the second day of the workshop, robots built by the students competed to follow a line drawn on paper. ARCH pedagogy especially focuses on interdisciplinary education and open academic conversations to ideas from a range of disciplines so all students should be able to relate and contribute to problem-solving. Thus, the likelihood of connecting with the full array is enhanced by interdisciplinary learning. ARCH hosts industry experts from a vast range of disciplines to interact and impart skills to the students and focus on their holistic development to create the best design solution using their vast educational exposure.