Chr-Cha is a meeting point for all creators to share ever evolving & varied perceptions of the world. Karan Khurana, Lecturer and External Relations Officer at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia was the Lead Speaker for the Chr-cha on the topic : Break the Barriers - Fashion & Location. Location has always had an influence on clothing styles and can be used as an important learning opportunity for design, textile and business . Thus , Students in fashion related disciplines must connect in a collaborative project with other students around the globe. This project is an exploratory study on seven university campuses as to , how students and people within the vicinity of the campus dress and the underlying reasons on why they choose to adapt to a particular way of dressing (including use of accessories, makeup and hair styles ) . the study also incorporates the responses from their peers in other locations.
The goal is to educate students about the views which forms the basis for dressing in various cultures, sub-cultures , as well as considering the views of individuals within these categories who create their own style within the broad style of their culture for individualistic presentation. Through the exchange of photographs, videos and texts, this exercise also provides a practical hands on experience , through social media as students can share information and interact with one another through a common platform .