Lemon Face- an imitative towards Breast Cancer Awareness
If we ask you what is lemon face? You would probably answer with a weird, squinty-eyed expression which strikes your face when you taste a lemon. But here we are talking about that lemon face which you make when you hear words like breasts/vagina. As we all know October is celebrated as the Breast Cancer Awareness Month also known as Pink October. ARCH & Jaipur Women Blog did an awareness campaign. The idea was to make students aware about the medical condition in the nation. So, they came up with a unique idea and asked 30 students to participate in the fun campaign. JWB team asked them to pick 2 lemons each along with a white sheet and guided to pierce two holes right in the middle of the sheet, representing their breasts, big enough to fit in the two lemons. Students were asked to create a stylish bra/bralette/corset around these lemony breasts using colors, ribbons, sequences, gota-pattis etc. The students combined all the craft products like sequence, stones, glitters, and ribbons with the tools of designers and came up with smart designs. The learning was to be free and speak up about the problems and empower oneself to discuss the topic. So throw away the lemons from your mouth and SPEAK UP WOMAN for a better and healthy India.